Add, connect and build apps to automate anything to save time and resources.

Logilink's iPaaS (integrated platform as a service) allows you to easily build your own workflows using AI, eCommerce, Logistics, Finance, Communication, Marketing connectors.

1500 of the most common SaaS apps across multiple sectors talk to each other. Link your software to our iPaaS and start building your on bespoke automated solutions.

Accelerate your digital transformation with the LogiLink iPaaS


Seamless Integration - Connect apps effortlessly for smooth data flow


Time Savings - Automate tasks, reduce manual efforts


Scalability - Grow without integration constraints


Cost Efficiency - Minimize development expenses


Real-time Updates - Keep data synchronized instantly


Flexibility - Customize workflows as per needs


Enhanced Productivity - Focus on core tasks, not integrations


Global Reach - Connect dispersed teams and systems


Improved Accuracy - Automatically correct input erros


Future-Ready - Adapt to evolving tech landscape

We have all the main business sectors covered.

For a deeper insight in to the solutions we can provide click the Learn More button in each section


Seamlessly integrate online stores, payment gateways, and inventory systems for efficient order processing


Connect tracking, warehouse management, and shipping solutions to ensure real-time visibility and efficient logistics operations


Integrate banking, accounting, and CRM software to ensure accurate financial data and compliance


Link production, inventory, and sales platforms to optimize supply chain management and accelerate order fulfillment


Integrate customer data, analytics, and marketing automation tools to deliver personalized campaigns and measure their impact


Integrate billing, customer support, and network management systems to enhance service delivery and customer experience


Sync point-of-sale systems, e-commerce platforms, and inventory databases to provide a unified shopping experience

.....and many more sectors.

From Healthcare to Human resources connect payroll and billing tools to legacy or state of the art SaaS platforms for seamless integrations to enhance the automation of your business with error deteciton thanks to new AI tools.

Discover 4 main layers of the iPaaS

Integration layer

Management layer

Connectivity layer

UI & embedding layer

Integration Layer

Logilink has built in all conditioning elements as blocks so you can execute blends in the same shape and form that you can execute your own written code. If you have a very specific requirement you can use “Custom Code” blocks and write your own solution to work in conjunction with the tools Logilink can provide.

Blends are a visual low code – no code plug n play automation process as powerful and capable as your own written code.


Management Layer

Logilink provides a management layer where you can review summaries of all activity with error details.

See all your blends with the input and output data, when it was run, by whom and for what reason. Review logs for each and every blend run with the exact execution time of each block all with quick and easy debugging tools. See summary of all blend runs which had warnings and failures.

Connectivity Layer

Take advantage of hundreds of logistics related connectors and many other types of SAAS connector which we can offer to enhance your own applications without requirement to build your own APIs.

Interconnect all your different software programs and platforms and benefit from the efficiencies this will provide.

Our strength is the ease with which we can connect any type of source via API, Webservice. FTP, CSV or Form.


UI & Embededding layer

Embed all the integrations you create with the simple to use visual workflow builder as native integrations to your platform.

Choose from multiple embedding options including iframe with SSO, server-side coding, or a custom branded integration hub to tailor the experience to user needs.

OPEN a service channel with Logicon has a rapidly growing library of connected applications. Join the ecosystem and integrate your platform with 500+ marketing, sales, and events cloud tools. Did not find the connector you need? The team will add it within a couple of days.

CONNECT to LogiLink

The Blend Editor is a visual, low-code integration builder. Build integrations between your SaaS solution and other cloud apps by connecting data sources, applying conditions, calling webhooks, adding loops and other powerful features. supports big data as well as hyper-scalable and distributed execution to manage billions of data records.

APP STORE – view the menu options of apps

Add all the integrations you’ve built with the Blend Editor as native integrations to your SaaS solution. Embed integrations using iframe with SSO (single sign-on) and let your customers activate integrations with a couple of clicks straight away from your platform.

INTEGRATE – plug-and-play to start to build your ‘eco-system’

Easily manage your customers, integrations and the way you embed them into your SaaS platform. is a flexible and powerful integration platform that solves the integration challenges for all types of customers. Use to embed self-service & high-volume integrations to your platform or build custom integrations for your enterprise-level customers with specific needs.

ECO-SYSTEM Configuration of selected apps and tools has a rapidly growing library of connected applications. Join the ecosystem and integrate your platform with 500+ marketing, sales, and events cloud tools. Did not find the connector you need? The team will add it within a couple of days.

DASHBOARD – customise information dashboards for different user experiences

Easily manage your customers, integrations and the way you embed them into your SaaS platform. is a flexible and powerful integration platform that solves the integration challenges for all types of customers. Use to embed self-service & high-volume integrations to your platform or build custom integrations for your enterprise-level customers with specific needs.

NETWORK with your clients and suppliers and be able to view other global facilitators has a rapidly growing library of connected applications. Join the ecosystem and integrate your platform with 500+ marketing, sales, and events cloud tools. Did not find the connector you need? The team will add it within a couple of days.

MANAGE the dynamics of digital working

Easily manage your customers, integrations and the way you embed them into your SaaS platform. is a flexible and powerful integration platform that solves the integration challenges for all types of customers. Use to embed self-service & high-volume integrations to your platform or build custom integrations for your enterprise-level customers with specific needs.

EXPLORE new services, revenue streams business models through digital eyes has a rapidly growing library of connected applications. Join the ecosystem and integrate your platform with 500+ marketing, sales, and events cloud tools. Did not find the connector you need? The team will add it within a couple of days. is an iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) solution for SaaS companies and agencies












INTUITIVE and ease of navigation





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